I've got rabbits on my mind.
To someone of my vintage, mentioning Rabbit
is as likely to bring back memories of belting along with
Grace Slick as it is memories of this nervous gentleman:
Don't believe me?
Go ask Alice.
Don't get the reference(s)?
Back to the sandbox, young'un.
I am in goofy mode today.Because, you know, mostly I am so very, very serious and dour.
Which should be pronounced to rhyme with "tour" and not "sour." Who knew?
English is whack, man.
I'm channeling Elmer Fudd, and going Wabbit Hunting.
Because Easter is just over two weeks away, and I have nothing Easter-y in That Old House. Yet.
I know I've got a small cache of
Bunnies and Easter-y kitsch somewhere.
I thought it was in this chest in the Parlor.
Turns out, I thought wrong.
So . . . maybe I'd stashed them in the Dining Room, where I stash way too many things.
But no. Not in the breakfront here. See?
Nor in the sideboard, below.
Back to the Parlor, and that breakfront.
(And if you think I have too many breakfronts, you are probably right.)
In a bottom cupboard, we find . . . well, a jumbled dusty mess, AND
Wascally Wabbits! Hooway! Hooway!
Since it is Thursday, and I haven't done a Tablescape in awhile, I had good intentions of using
the new-found bunnies and Easter decor that had been hiding in the Parlor breakfront.
But . . . time. You know, time? That thing we never have enough of?
I didn't have it.
So, here's a 2-year old Bunny themed table. Links to Thursday parties follow.
This was done in the first week of March 2010, and we still had plenty of snow on the ground, and more falling that day.
No wonder I was eager to go all "Spring Table, tra-la-la-la!" |
What I used:
Sheer flowered tablecloth, from my mother-in-law.
Vintage embroidered runner, eBay.
Georgian pattern flatware -- ca. 1912 -- eBay.
Mikasa Ribbon Pink china -- actually belongs to daughter Anne but it's in my keeping; eBay.
Gorham cut crystal hurricane lamp -- from my mother-in-law.
Irish crystal wine glasses -- Macy's.
Amethyst cut-to-clear glass and pewter hurricane lamp -- gift from my friend Betsy.
Majolica style asparagus pitcher. Not old.
Majolica style asparagus tureen -- Tuesday Morning.
Vintage linen damask napkins -- eBay.
A Bunny. Pushing a basket on wheels. No recollection where I got it, but it's just so cute. And crackly.
I sure wish that basket was filled with licorice jelly beans.
As night drew in, we lit the candles against the darkness,
as people have done since ancient times.
Time for me to stop hunting Wabbits,
and do things I must make time for! -- Cass