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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Fine Romance

On Saturday, Howard and I went out to the
beach house on Long Island . . .
for a rendezvous with a blogging friend
and her husband, who are not exactly local folk.

They are from far, far away.
Like, way far away.

Here is her arm, upper left,  as she sat across the table from me
at Croteaux Winery in Southold, for a tasting.

Let's call her Blogger Friend.  And her husband, Blogger Friend's Fella.
The names have been changed to protect the guilty innocent.

They stayed with us at the beach house until Monday morning,
when we -- being the merry pranksters that we are --
gave our Blogger buddies simple instructions for driving
the 125 miles or so from Southold on eastern Long Island, 
to That Old House in New Jersey. Right smack
through the bucolic and peaceful little village
known as New York City.

We beat them home.  (Insert evil grin here.)
But now . . . a tale of stolen romance.

In Blogger Friend's handbag, a Nikon D3000 camera.
In That Old House, a Nikon D3000 camera.

Their lenses met across the crowded room
It was obvious that they would click.

Mr. Nikon, our resident big boy,
whispered sweet nothings into Nikon Chick's shell-like ear.

They kissed.  It was magic.

We gave them some privacy.

 And after the giggling had subsided, and the
napkin had stopped quivering, we unveiled them
and . . . .

There they were.
A proud family.
Mama, Papa, and Baby Nikon.

So that's how babies are made!
Pass it around.

Our Blogger friends camped out in the Pink Room
at That Old House on Monday and Tuesday nights,
and we showed them some of the sublime and
some of the ridiculous of northern New Jersey.

We ate.  Well.  And a lot.

They left a little while ago, leaving lifelong friends behind.
When they are safely tucked back into their home nest,
I will reveal their identities, and you will be so jealous!  -- Cass


  1. Cass~
    Lucky Blogger Friend and her fella!!
    lucky you and Howard..
    one of these days..
    when least expected..
    this mermaid will show up..
    hoping to be lucky also!!

  2. How fun!! There's nothing much better than making a real live flesh-and-blood friend out of a blogger friend. I promise to wait patiently till you reveal your friend's identity ... hidden for now to protect the innocent, no doubt. :)

  3. It sounds like you had a ball...I am dying to know who the blogger is! Very funny mating ritual of the cameras! :)


  4. Here I am, at this very minute, in Rye, NY visiting my daughter and have a daunting task of driving into Rye (small town that it is) to pick up my grandson and dreading it ... oh, how I am dreading it. And, you sent your friends driving through the city!!! Oh, I am so glad that was not me.

  5. I am SOOOO excited to hear who they are, and what a trick sending them through that boring little bucolic town on the way home.

  6. Oooohhh you are mysterious.......They obviously have great taste in cameras *winks* That camera love story is just too cute! I only wish getting baby nikons was that easy lol! I'm looking forward to hearing about how much your friends "loved" that little trip through the bucolic and peaceful little town of NYC? *winks* Vanna

  7. You are so hilariously weird! I loved the romance story.

    1. Honey, that is the greatest compliment I think I ever got.
      "Hilariously weird."
      Love it.


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