Howard and I drove out to eastern Long Island on Saturday to check on our family's beach house. It was a glorious day, we wanted to stay longer (like, forever!), I took scads of pictures, and put just a few of them into this mosaic --- for Mosaic Monday, hosted by the gracious Mary of Little Red House.
Click here for more lovely mosaics, and check back for more on the beach house later this week -- I will be asking for advice on a makeover!
Meanwhile, here at That Old House, I had big plans for the porch. Read on. . . .
You will need Rhondi’s Rose-Colored Glasses
If you take a close look at my porch.
It will knock you right down on your … ummm… derrieres;
Warn the villagers -- Come with a torch!
For you might want to light a bonfire
When you see what my porch sadly lacks,
Which is anything remotely lovely --
Our poor porch is the Saddest of Sacks!
It needs scraping and sanding and painting,
It needs furniture, flowers, and more.
We’ve a mish-mash of castoffs and orphans
That others might toss out the door.
There’s an old wicker rocker -- too chippy!
And a wood one whose twin bit the dust.
There’s an unfinished IKEA table,
And two chairs, one is covered in rust.
What to do? What to do? I thought deeply
Of ways to transform what we had.
And I dreamed a big dream. “We can do it!”
I said. But my hubby said, “Honey, you’re mad!”
“If we have a few hours,” I told him,
“You can coat the porch floor with fresh paint!
And I, armed with a spray can of Home Depot’s best,
Can make beauties of things that now ain’t!”
So dear Howard picked up a fresh roller
And lay down a smooth coat of new gray,
While I picked up a spray can of glossiest red
And . . . and . . . and . . . . . . .
. . . it began to rain. Not a lot, not a downpour, but just a drizzle, a spritz, a sprinkle.
Enough to scuttle my plans to spray paint the wicker rocker, and the wood rocker,
the IKEA table and the two wire chairs in a bright and glossy red.
We should have done the spray painting on Saturday, but we were gone all day.
So, my Porch Party Post is markedly Party-Pooping!
I love seeing the gorgeous porches and decks of others. My porch will have to stand on its own – naked. Chipped. Cracked (that crazing isn’t a faux paint effect!). But we will get it in good shape. Yes, we will. I am not completely mad, despite what Howard might say! Some things just take time.
Meanwhile, before it got dark I stuck the camera out the front door and snapped a picture of
the newly painted front porch floor. Well, half of it anyway!
And yes, the edges haven't been cut in yet. Howard's a good sport, but every husband has his limits.
I'm thinking that's a great project for when my girls get home from their travels!
Dion and I kept Howard company on the porch, until the unpainted area got too small for us.
Dion was more interested in watching tiny flies than in the painting. He even caught a few. Yummmm....
Have a lovely Monday. My apologies for the silly rhyme, and to Rhondi for the unfinished porch! Have another party in a few weeks! -- Cass